是的,迪士尼乐园允许游客使用电动轮椅进入园区。游客需提前预订电动轮椅,并在入园时向工作人员出示相应的证明文件。在乐园内,电动轮椅可以方便游客参观各个景点,并提供更舒适的游园体验。值得注意的是,电动轮椅数量有限,因此建议提前进行预订。如果游客有任何疑问或需要帮助,可以随时向乐园工作人员寻求帮助。 Disney welcome guests with electric wheelchairs. It is recommended to book in advance and show the proper proof upon entry. The number of electric wheelchairs is limited, so booking in advance is advised. If in need of assistance or have any questions, the Disneyland staff are always willing to help.